Constellation is Elmhurst College's institutional repository - our online, open access collection of College scholarship. Constellation is a collaborative repository that also serves other liberal arts colleges in the Chicago area.
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Here’s how Constellation can benefit you, Elmhurst College, and other researchers and students in your field:
• Increased visibility
Constellation is open access, meaning anyone can access its contents (unless the author chooses to restrict readership). No one needs a subscription or a password, and submissions are included in Google or other search engine results. Therefore, the likelihood that your work will be discovered by others is increased, potentially leading to new opportunities, e.g. collaborative research, higher citation rates, grant funding, job prospects and/or graduate school acceptance.
• Knowledge sharing
Since Constellation is open access, other researchers can readily access your work, potentially leading to citation and to collaboration across and beyond Elmhurst College. The repository can be a key part of the scholarly communication and publication processes.
• Continual and perpetual access to your work
Researchers no longer need to track you down to get a copy of your work. They, and you, can access your work at any time from any place.
• Centralized location of Elmhurst College scholarship
The online repository provides a convenient, single location to which researchers can refer.
• Preservation
In addition to your personal copies of your work, Elmhurst College will keep permanent digital copies in Constellation or its successor technology.
Yes (but are you aware of your rights as a creator of original work?).
When you submit your work to Constellation, neither Elmhurst College nor the A.C. Buehler Library acquires or controls your copyright. You only give us permission to post your work in Constellation.
If you are planning on submitting your content to a publisher, many allow you to publish with them and deposit a copy of your work in Constellation. Always read your publisher's agreement before signing so you know what rights you keep. You may negotiate with publishers who do not allow deposits in an institutional repository.
Refer to our intellectual property/ fair use guidelines/ author rights for more information on author rights and publishers.