In the past course sections that were officially cross listed in Registration and Records were rolled into a single section in Blackboard and students would see that section. With the implementation of the new hosted solution course sections that are officially cross-listed by Registration and Records will be consolidated into a single course using a parent/child methodology. One of the course sections has been indicated to be the primary course section by Registration and Records and will be considered to be the Parent Course in Blackboard. All other course sections that have been cross listed with it will appear as child records of the Parent Course.
IMPORTANT: When working with courses that have a Parent record you will only have to add course content to the Parent record. Students will be able to access that content no matter what course section in which they are enrolled. The Instructor will be able to see all students as though they have been enrolled in the Parent Course.
Course sections can be created using the same Parent/Child methodology even though they are not officially cross-listed by Registration and Records. This is accomplished by opening a ticket at Tickets using the category “Academic Technology - Blackboard Faculty” indicating what course sections should be consolidated. Here is an example of what the ticket should contain:
Please consolidate the following course sections for 16FA:
ABC-123-01 Parent
ABC-123-02 Child
DEF-456-03 Child
Continue adding all additional course sections
After the ticket has been created it is immediately sent to a dispatcher for review and if there are any questions you will be contacted. If you do not have a campus extension that you can be reached at please provide a phone number or we will contact you only via email.
Student View
Students accessing Blackboard will now see the course section in which they have actually enrolled and not the Parent Course. As an instructor please let your students know that all content you have added to the Parent Course will be available to them and that they may also see other students enrolled in other sections of the course that you are teaching.
I have multiple sections of the same class. Can you combine them for me?
Yes, we course can be consolidated for a variety of reasons. This is accomplished by opening a ticket at using the category “Academic Technology - Blackboard Faculty” and indicating what course sections should be consolidated. Here is an example of what the ticket should contain:
Please consolidate the following course sections for 16FA:
ABC-123-01 Parent
ABC-123-02 Child
DEF-456-03 Child
Continue adding all additional course sections
After the ticket has been created it is immediately sent to a dispatcher for review and if there are any questions you will be contacted. If you do not have a campus extension that you can be reached at, please provide a phone number. Otherwise we will contact you only via email.