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ENG 314 Children's Literature: Home

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To complete your research for your author study, you need to identify books by your author and reference sources, books, and journal articles about your author. To find the sources, follow the six steps listed below.


Step 1

Consult Literary Resource Center. Be sure to consult all of the sections by clicking on all available tabs.

Then, check the following print reference sources.

Step 2

Check Literary Index to identify print reference sources with information about author.

Step 3

Check Academic Search Complete and ERIC for more journal articles.

Step 4

Check the I-share Catalog for books. Use the author's name in quotes in the Any Word Anywhere field (e.g. "Maurice Sendak").

Step 5

Check Worldcat for your author's most recent books. Enter your author's name in the author field and then sort the results by publication date in descending order.

Step 6

Do a Google search on your author's name to identify additional web resources.