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ELM 372 4-8 Literacy Methods: Integrated Webquest Overview

Webquest Components

ELM 372 Integrated WebQuest

Definition. A WebQuest is a journey through multiple websites to gather information and complete a specific task. As intended by the name, the “quest” is done on the “web.” All students’ work should be designed so it is completed through digital sources found on credible URLs.

"A WebQuest," according to Bernie Dodge, the originator of the WebQuest concept, "is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than on looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation."

Your team’s WebQuest should be visually appealing for students and include multiple links that they can go to for the information they need to complete their task. Remember to differentiate the links for student prior knowledge, modes of learning, and reading levels.


Your task is to create a WebQuest that integrates literacy (CCSSELA – 1 each of Writing, Reading Informational Texts, Language (Vocabulary), Speaking & Listening) and 2 social science standards (1 Inquiry + 1 Content) for the students at your assigned grade level (4th, 5th, or 6th grade) and in your assigned area of social studies (Civics, Economics, Geography, or History).

The WebQuest assignment should help 4th – 6th grade students learn how to use the Internet to research information on a particular concept or topic and create a collaborative group project for which your WebQuest team has designed a standards-based rubric.


There are 8 required pages in your Google Sites WebQuest:

An Introduction page states the purpose of the WebQuest

· Introductions should be exciting so students are become “hooked.”

· Introductions are visually powerful but brief in terms of text.

· Create the WebQuest using features of gamification.

The Task page describes what the students are trying to accomplish by completing the WebQuest.

· Use gamification to create the task.

· The task should be written in student-friendly language and overview the goals of the WebQuest (i.e., What will the students learn? What will be the final products?)

· Another important part of the task is previewing the process (i.e., how the group will work together to accomplish the goals and complete the products).

· Task pages are not text heavy and use visual supports.

The Process page explains chronologically what the students will need to do to accomplish the WebQuest for each of the five days. This may include questions the student may need to ask themselves to complete the task and will provide a schedule of activities and possible links to The Resources.

· Process pages are the most important part of the entire WebQuest because they organize the directions and sequence for how the students    should complete the WebQuest.

· The process page organizes both the group and individual students, especially when roles are assigned.

· Process pages are often linked to the Resources pages because these are complementary. You cannot have a good process without good resources to use and it will not be helpful to have good resources if the students cannot understand and complete the process successfully.

· The Process page will continue with the gamification experiences.

· The process your WebQuest team designs should be organized from Day 1 (introductory lesson) to Day 5 (closing lesson). On Days 6 and beyond, students will be presenting their projects and the standards-based rubric will be used to assess student projects.

Resources are organized as organized sets of website links to help your students accomplish the task. Every resource will be a digital link that may include text, e-books, podcasts, videos, etc. Resources should be from credible sites, such as professional organizations, educational organizations, museums, laboratories, universities, government sites, etc.

· Resource pages can be divided into subpages by role or topic.

· Resource links should have clear titles/descriptions so students know what they will be linking to.

· All resources should be from credible sites and should be ad-free.

· Consider the language demands on the sites that you use.

· Check all your resource links, then check again.

An Evaluation rubric for the final projects that shows the students what they need to do to meet different performance levels.

· Make sure that all the WebQuest’s standards are aligned with and represented on your evaluation rubric.

· Make sure you link to the Evaluation page in the Process so students review the rubric as they they complete their final product.

· Write all rubrics in student-friendly language.

A Conclusion provides closure and congratulations for student learning experiences, accomplishments and final project.

· Just like the Introduction, the Conclusion should be exciting and visually appealing.

· The Conclusion should be part of the gamification of your WebQuest.

· Design the Conclusion with additional links because different groups may finish at different times.

A Teacher Page provides background information on you and the WebQuest design.

· Don’t forget to put each team member’s name and information on this page.

  Be clear about the standards you applied in the WebQuest.

· Each team member should link a sample of their example final project in this page. Remember that projects should reflect what is expected of students in the grade level for which the WebQuest was designed.

Credits is your reference list.

· Give credit to any images you used in your pages by providing image source information below each image through the WebQuest.

· Give credit to any resources you used in designing the WebQuests.

· Give credit to any resources from which you adapted ideas for the WebQuest. · Use APA style references:

· If someone else’s WebQuest provides an important idea for any part of your WebQuest, give the author credit on your Credits page: LastName, FirstInitial. (2018). Title [WebQuest], URL.