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ABSN Orientation and Nursing Resources: Internet Resources

Other Nursing Resources

These are not subscription databases, but are still considered to be EBL resources

  • Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) simultaneously searches evidence-based sources of systematic reviews, practice guidelines, and critically-appraised topics and articles
  • Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT) - HSTAT is part of the expanded Health Services Research Information Program coordinated by the National Library of Medicine. HSTAT works to improve the organization and dissemination of the results of health services research, including practice guidelines and technology assessments. It provides a one-stop shopping for evidence reviews from multiple sources including the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force evidence reviews, Reports of the Surgeon General, and other governmental and non-governmental evidence reports.

Is This Source Credible?

Use these indicators to evaluating website credibility.  If you don't find indicators of credibility, assume it is not credible. Ask you professor whether sources must be peer reviewed or not. Note: as a college student you should never have to pay for information. If the library does not have what you need, it can most likely be requested.


  • look for an "About Us", "Credits", or "Biography" page to find authors and sources.

  • look for author's contact information and professional affiliations such as a university. 

  • look up authors in WorldCat, Web of Science, or on Amazon to see if they are really an expert.

  • be sure not to confuse the author with the webmaster.

  • some websites, including government or organizational sites, will not list individual authors. In that case, look at the domain suffix for clues. 


  • domain ownership can be informative as to bias or purpose.

  • look up a domain's owner at .

  • the domain suffix (for example, .com) can be an indicator of a website's purpose.

    • A .com suffix denotes a commercial entity. This is the most generic suffix. It does not indicate (or rule out) credibility.

    • A .edu suffix indicates that the website belongs to an educational institution. Be aware that institutions do not always endorse the views published by students or faculty.

    • A .gov suffix indicates a government website. Government agencies publish legislation, census information, tax forms, and other credible resources.

    • A .org suffix denotes a non-profit organization. In actuality anyone can own a .org domain.

  • note that these are not the only domain suffixes in existence; country-specific suffixes can also be useful (.ca,.uk)            


  • is the website educational or a public resource provided by a government or reputable organization?

  • is the website trying to sell something or promote a viewpoint?

  • is the website a hoax or satire?


  • look for updates or revision dates

  • avoid undated or poorly maintained websites