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The A.C. Buehler Library is a private library with public access whose primary mission is to serve the Elmhurst University community: current students, faculty, staff, and emeriti professors. Visitors to the library who are not current members, including alumni, of the Elmhurst University community are asked to follow the policies for visitors.


Community Standards and Consideration

All library users are asked to practice consideration of other users as well as library staff. Elmhurst University, including the library, attempts to establish a climate which encourages the assumption of responsibility by students and others for their individual and collective actions with a minimum of rules and regulations. The library, like the university, asks that students and others conduct themselves in a way that is appropriate for members of an educational institution. Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to:

  • Loud or repeated cell phone conversations or cell phone ringing
  • Damage or destruction of library property
  • Abusive language or name-calling
  • Failure to comply with directions from library staff

The library upholds the Code of Conduct of Elmhurst University as outlined in the Student Handbook (Manual del estudiante en español).

When the behavior of a user constitutes a disruption which interferes with the use of the library by others, interferes with a staff member’s completion of his/her duties, or violates the policies of the A.C. Buehler Library, the following progressive steps should be taken:

  1. The staff member will issue a verbal warning, with the statement that the user(s) will be told to leave if the behavior in question does not cease.
  2. If the disruptive behavior continues after the verbal warning, the staff member will tell the user(s) to leave the building.
  3. If there is difficulty in getting the user(s) to leave the building, the staff member will call the Department of Public Safety.

Collection Development and Management

Materials acquired for the A.C. Buehler Library are selected to meet the teaching, research, and service missions of Elmhurst University, while also supporting the recreational reading and viewing needs of our university community. The presence of any material in the library’s collection does not mean that the library advocates or endorses the ideas found in that material. EU librarians are responsible for ensuring that different points of view are represented in the collection. 

The library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as outlined in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association (ALA), which states “Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation” (Article 1). The library also endorses the Freedom to Read Statement provided by the ALA. 

Academic Freedom is also required and protected by the Elmhurst University Faculty Manual. “Because freedom of access to recorded knowledge is essential to teaching, learning, and research in a democracy, access to a full range of materials on any subject, however unpopular, controversial, or apparently incorrect will not be infringed. The principles of academic freedom will apply to the acquisition and preservation of such materials and also to those who provide and those who use them” (2024-25 edition, section 4.2.2., p. 57). 

Materials Reconsideration

Materials in the A.C. Buehler Library may be challenged by students, faculty and staff of Elmhurst University. A challenge to a resource in the library must be based on the failure of that resource to fall within the library’s selection and collection development policies, including the commitment to academic freedom. When challenging an item, an individual may request the library take one of two actions; (1) removal of an item, or (2) addition of a source to balance the collection by providing alternative views. The library may agree to take either action or no action at all. Challenged items will remain on the shelf and available to library users during the duration of the challenge.

Persons wishing to challenge a resource in the A.C. Buehler Library must complete a Reconsideration Request Form. The completed form will be submitted to the Library Director, who will acknowledge receipt of the form via e-mail. The request will be considered by the Library Director, with the assistance of the librarian responsible for collection development in the subject area of the resource. The person making the challenge will be notified by e-mail by the Library Director of a final decision and any action to be taken. Appeals will be directed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty.

Library Spaces

The A.C. Buehler has a number of spaces for teaching and both group and individual studying. Additionally, the reading area on the main floor may be reserved for events. For more information, please contact Carolyn Ciesla.

Quiet Areas

The lower level and the second floor of the library are quiet study areas. The main floor is designed to facilitate collaborative work and a more social atmosphere and therefore will be noisier than the other floors. The library staff asks that users be considerate of other library users throughout the library.

Study Rooms

Study rooms for groups or individuals are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. More information about study rooms can be found on the Study Rooms page.


The library classroom is primarily for information literacy instruction sessions taught by the librarians, as well as library-related functions. 

Photography and Video Recording

Casual photography, filming, audio recording, and videotaping is permitted in the public areas of the A.C. Buehler Library for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that these actions do not interfere in any way with library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission.  

Students filming for a project must request permission prior to setting up equipment. Requests should be emailed to at least 24 hours prior to filming.

In order to provide all the library's patrons with the safest and most pleasant library experience, those taking video and/or audio recordings of children must have a written release signed in advance by each child's legal guardian. Those taking video and/or audio recordings of adults must have verbal permission from the subject. Those not following this policy may be asked to put away their equipment or leave the facility. 

Professionals hired by the university to record images or audio in the library must provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to the Access Services Department (630-617-3160). Students recording in the library for a course assignment must also notify the Access Services Department, and must not inhibit operations of the library, its employees, or any of the services residing in the library building. 

Computer Usage

Library computers, including those in the library classroom, are available to the Elmhurst University community and are provided for scholarly and educational research. Library users should be prepared to display their Jaypass (their Elmhurst University identification card) when requested to do so.

Computers in the library classroom may be used by members of the Elmhurst University community when class is not session. Class times will be posted each day on the library classroom whiteboard. Library staff reserve the right to ask users to leave the library classroom in advance of a class.

Library users are asked to follow the Policies, Procedures and Guidelines developed by the Office of Information Services.

The primary duty of library staff is to assist users from the Elmhurst University community with their research and educational needs by showing them the electronic and print library resources. Assistance with software, computer programs or troubleshooting should be limited to directing users to program help screens, online tutorials and computer software manuals.

Alumni and Visitors

The A.C. Buehler Library welcomes visitors including Elmhurst University alumni, students and faculty from LIBRAS and CARLI member institutions, and the general public. Visitors served by other libraries are nonetheless expected to use their home library for in-depth instruction or detailed help with research topics.

  • Visitors are welcome to study, read, and perform research activities in the library, though priority access to resources and assistance will be granted to members of the Elmhurst University community.
  • For computer access, visitors may use the Visitor Computer located in the quad on the north end on the main floor. All other computers in the library are reserved for current Elmhurst University students, faculty, staff and emeriti professors. When other visitors are waiting for a computer, users are asked to limit their computer time to fifteen minutes.
  • Printing is available for the convenience of visitors. The charge to visitors for printing is 10 cents per black and white page and 50 cents per color page, which is payable to the circulation desk (cash only).
  • Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, 21 years of age or older. In addition, parents are responsible for the behavior of their children.
  • Visitors are expected to practice the same consideration toward other library users and library staff that is asked of members of the Elmhurst University community (please see Community Standards and Consideration).


The A.C. Buehler Library accepts donations of materials at the discretion of the librarians. Preferred items include:

  • Academic titles
  • University press publishers
  • EU Alumni/Faculty authored/created materials 
  • Textbooks less than ten years old
  • Materials that enhance existing collections and support the curricular needs and research interests of student and faculty 

Items that will not be accepted include, but are not limited, to:

  • Digital materials
  • Readers Digest Condensed Books
  • Encyclopedias
  • National Geographic issues
  • Popular magazines 
  • Outdated formats (like VHS tapes)
  • Non-commercially produced material
  • Foreign language materials that do not support the curriculum
  • Textbooks or professional materials more than 10 years old and/or that do not support the curriculum

The A.C. Buehler Library will also not accept books in poor condition including items that are:

  • Dirty
  • Moldy
  • Burnt
  • Water damaged
  • Show evidence of insect activity
  • Damaged binding or pages
  • Missing covers or pages
  • Contain excessive writing, markings, or highlighting

Donations are accepted with the understanding that once accepted, they become the property of Elmhurst University. They cannot be returned. The library reserves the right to exchange, discard, or sell donated material. When materials are judged to be unsuited to our collections, we will make an effort to place them appropriately.  Donations added to the collection may be subsequently withdrawn when they are worn or when their content is no longer current or no longer supports the curriculum.

Elmhurst University does not appraise the value of gifts. Questions regarding tax deductions are best referred to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or a personal tax advisor. An informal thank you note will be provided by the A.C. Buehler Library with the type and number of items donated and a formal acknowledgement will be provided by from the Office of Institutional Advancement.

More information about donations, including valuing collections and other donation sites, can be found here.

For more information or to arrange a large collection donation, please contact Jennifer Paliatka, Reference & Instruction Librarian at (630) 617-3158 or

Last updated: January 21, 2025