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Using the Library

Is this your first time printing a poster?

Be sure to check out all of the guidelines below before submitting the print request.

We ask that you please allow at least one week for printing. We will let you know when your poster is ready for you to pick up in Library room 108.  There are "fold-it-yourself" boxes available if you wish to protect your poster from the elements.

You must be logged into to your Elmhurst University Outlook account to access the form.

Request a Poster Print

If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Lang (x3169).

Designing Your Poster


  • A poster file must be either a PDF or .png.
  • The poster printer limits the poster size such that one of the dimensions must be 40" or less. In PowerPoint, use the Slide Size feature in the Design menu to set the final dimensions of your poster. You should set the dimensions of your poster before beginning to lay it out. Although this may seem uncomfortable because the elements will appear small on your computer screen, this method will allow you to create the poster as it is intended to be viewed and not rely on scaling up later.  Scaling up after the design will often change the relationship between items.  Scaling up after creating a PDF will often result in blurring or pixelation.
  • The poster paper is 42 inches wide. However, one of your two dimensions (height or width) must be 40 inches or less. For example, you can have a poster that is 60 inches long but 40 inches wide, or vice versa.
  • You do not need to handle the orientation (landscape vs. portrait); the printer orients the image for the best fit.
  • Ensure that the width and height of your document match the intended printed size.
  • Spell-check!

Using the Elmhurst University Logo

The Office of Marketing and Communications promotes the distinctiveness and academic strength of Elmhurst University

They do this by telling the stories of the University through our students, faculty and staff; and by engaging our audiences through strategic online and traditional communications and academic and community partnerships.

Traveling with Your Poster

  • To see an 8 x 11.5 size of your poster or to make a hand-out size, select the option "Shrink to Fit" in the Print window.
  • If you are flying, it is advised that you check with your airline regarding restrictions on carry-on items such as mailing tubes and display boards.
  • You should put your name and contact info in the tube with your poster if the airline insists you check the tube at the aircraft door.
  • Do you want to print a fabric poster that you can fold in your suitcase?

Video Tutorials

Convert An Existing PowerPoint Into a Poster

It is important to ensure that prior to following the steps as outlined below, that your PowerPoint is complete and error free. If you notice a mistake after the file type conversion you will have to start the process all over again.

Step 1: Open your existing PowerPoint Presentation

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation that you wish to convert to a large format poster. It is highly recommended that you condense your presentation down to 9 to 12 slides. Exceeding 12 slides will reduce the readability of the poster and is more difficult to format.

Step 2: Save-As “Windows Meta File”

  • To change the file format, go to FILE (office button) and choose “SAVE-AS” then“OTHER FORMATS”. Save in the “Windows Meta File” format. First, choose the location to which the files will be saved.  Next, rename the files (optional),  and finally, access the “Save As Type” drop down menu and select “Windows Meta File” and then click the “Save” button.

  • Choose to convert either “Every Slide” or only the “Current Slide.” Unless you are making a correction to a single slide, choose “Every Slide.”
  • Finally, confirm the Conversion. PowerPoint will organize the slides into a separate folder. The dialog box reminds you where your meta file slides have been saved.

Step 3: Create New PowerPoint File / Download Template File
You have two options: create a new PowerPoint File from scratch or download one of our poster templates.

Option 1

  • Create a new PowerPoint Presentation file and resize the page size (recommended size for 9 slides: 50″ wide x 38″ tall, or for 12 slides: 54″ x 40″) by selecting the “Design” tab, then the “Page Setup” button.

Option 2

  • See Template links found on the Printing Resources page of this guide.
  • Resize the page width and height to either 50″ wide x 38″ tall (recommended for 9 slides) or 54″ wide x 40″ tall (recommended for 12 slides).  You may choose alternate page dimensions, however, the smallest dimension cannot exceed 42″ due to paper size.

Step 4: Insert Slides (Windows Meta Files)

  • You are going to insert all 9 to 12 slides that you converted from your previous PowerPoint Presentation file. To do this, select the “Insert” Tab and click the “Picture” button.
  • Next find the location of where the slides (in Windows Meta File format) were saved. Select all slides by pressing CONTROL-A or by highlighting all slides using your mouse. Press the INSERT button to complete the importation of your slides.
  • Organize and resize each slide.  To move a slide, click and drag the slide to the desired location.  To resize the slide, click the slide to select it then click and drag one of the eight (circular) points on the slide to the desired size.
  • Save your work.  You are now ready to print.


The plotter is a Hewlett-Packard DesignJet T1700. It is useful for large-format printing, such as posters or banners. Its 2400-dpi resolution ensures that it will be useful for printing images as well. The plotter is equipped with coated paper that is 42 inches wide.

Usage Policies

The plotter is to be used for academic purposes only, such as printing out a poster to present to your class or at a conference. Persons interested in printing a poster should submit a print request via the form.

Intended Users

The plotter is not available for use by people outside of the current Elmhurst University community.

  • Faculty are welcome to request poster prints to support a variety of academic endeavors.
  • Staff may request poster prints to help support the academic endeavors of the college, for example, on behalf of a faculty member.
  • Students may request poster prints for academic purposes only and with supervison of a faculty member.  The plotter may not be used to print out posters for extracurricular organizations. Student organizations are reminded that Central Printing may serve their needs.
  • For the Research and Performance Showcase, students should refer to the presentation guidelines listed on the website.