Is this your first time printing a poster?
Be sure to check out all of the guidelines below before submitting the print request.
We ask that you please allow at least one week for printing. We will let you know when your poster is ready for you to pick up in Library room 108. There are "fold-it-yourself" boxes available if you wish to protect your poster from the elements.
You must be logged into to your Elmhurst University Outlook account to access the form.
If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Lang (x3169).
Using the Elmhurst University Logo
The Office of Marketing and Communications promotes the distinctiveness and academic strength of Elmhurst University
They do this by telling the stories of the University through our students, faculty and staff; and by engaging our audiences through strategic online and traditional communications and academic and community partnerships.
Traveling with Your Poster
Video Tutorials
- Poster Design Tips
- How to Create a Research Poster
- The Basics of Poster Design
- Video Demonstration of Designing A Poster
It is important to ensure that prior to following the steps as outlined below, that your PowerPoint is complete and error free. If you notice a mistake after the file type conversion you will have to start the process all over again.
Step 1: Open your existing PowerPoint Presentation
Step 2: Save-As “Windows Meta File”
Step 3: Create New PowerPoint File / Download Template File
You have two options: create a new PowerPoint File from scratch or download one of our poster templates.
Option 1
Option 2
Step 4: Insert Slides (Windows Meta Files)
The plotter is a Hewlett-Packard DesignJet T1700. It is useful for large-format printing, such as posters or banners. Its 2400-dpi resolution ensures that it will be useful for printing images as well. The plotter is equipped with coated paper that is 42 inches wide.
Usage Policies
The plotter is to be used for academic purposes only, such as printing out a poster to present to your class or at a conference. Persons interested in printing a poster should submit a print request via the form.
Intended Users
The plotter is not available for use by people outside of the current Elmhurst University community.
For the Research and Performance Showcase, students should refer to the presentation guidelines listed on the website.