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Using the Library

Requesting materials from other I-Share libraries

Elmhurst University is a member of I-Share, which supports resource sharing among nearly 100 other Illinois academic and special libraries. A full list of participating libraries is available on the CARLI website. If there is an item that we don't own, you may request it from another I-Share library.

1. In Bluejay Search, search for the desired book in All I-Share Libraries, or use this specific I-Share search link

2. Click on the title link to open the record, and scroll down to the How to get it section. Look for Please sign in to check if there are any request options and click Sign In

3. Choose Login Using: Elmhurst Users. This will send you to the Elmhurst University login screen, where you will enter your enumber and password. 

4. After authentication you’ll return to the record screen; choose Request through I-Share. 

5. On the request screen, confirm that the pickup library and pickup location are set to Elmhurst and click Send Request. 

6. A green box will appear that says Your request was successfully placed. You will also get an email confirming your request. 

Please allow 7-10 days on average to receive requested materials. 

We will make every effort to acquire the materials you request. However, some formats of materials are more challenging to obtain and may be declined. Some examples of hard-to-get items include:  

  • Reference materials  
  • Rare and/or fragile materials  
  • Theses and dissertations  
  • Audiovisual materials  
  • Microfilm  
  • Physical items that are less than a year old 

Requesting a book via interlibrary loan

If an item you want is not available through any I-Share libraries, you may request it by completing our online interlibrary loan form for books. 

Request a book through interlibrary loan (not I-Share)

Please allow 7-10 days on average to receive requested materials.

Requesting an article via interlibrary loan

If you need an article from a periodical the library does not own, you may request it by completing our online interlibrary loan form for articles.

Before requesting an article, you’ll want to check the library’s Citation Linker. Also, make sure you click the “Find at EU” button available in the databases for more information about obtaining articles. 

Request an article via interlibrary loan

Allow 7-10 days on average to receive requested materials.

ILL restrictions

Items we cannot send through ILL:  

Entire volumes of periodicals  
Original manuscripts (Special, rare, or limited-edition scripts, Bibles, Liturgical books, calendars, etc.) 
Textbooks (outside of I-Share requests) 
Additionally, we will not ship items internationally (Canada and Mexico included). EU patrons can request items internationally, but A.C. Buehler Library will not send physical items internationally.