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Using the Library

Need to print? We have you covered. 

"Printer's Row," on the north side of the main floor of the library, consists of three printer release stations and four color/black and white copier/printers. There is also a black and white printer and print release station in the library classroom (room 103) on the main floor.

We also have two scanning stations are also on north side of the main floor near "Printers Row." (You'll need to use your enumber and password in order to print any scans.)

  • You must swipe your Jaypass or type your enumber and password at the print release stations to release your print jobs or on copiers to make photocopies.
  • Please use Bluejay Wireless for printing.
  • Chromebooks do not work with Papercut.
  • Each of our printers is now distinguished by the name of a famous Chicago author: Here's a quick guide:
New Location New Name Type of Printer
First Floor Printers Row Brooks Color AND Black & White
First Floor Printers Row Hughes Color AND Black & White
First Floor Printers Row Wright Color AND Black & White
First Floor Printers Row Monroe Color AND Black & White
First Floor Classroom Sandburg Black & White


Do EU students really print for free?

Each year an annual $65 free printing limit is implemented to each student to help reduce paper and ink waste. 

  • How does the free printing limit work? 
    • At the start of each school year, each student’s free printing limit will be reset to $65.00. Every print job that is released will debit from this amount. 
  • What are the printing costs? 
    • Each printed page, either single-sided or double-sided, will incur the following charges against your free printing limit. Double-sided printing is preferred, when possible, to reduce waste and impact on the environment. 
      • Color Page: $0.10 
      • Black & White Page: $0.01 
    • You may check your free printing balance by accessing the PaperCut app on myElmhurst Portal and clicking on the Summary page. Your available printing balance will appear in the Balance section. 
  • What will happen if I reach my printing limit? 
    • You will receive an email notification if your free printing limit falls beneath $5.00. You may purchase additional printing credits in increments of $5.00 through TouchNet. While your free printing funds will refresh every year in August to $65.00 and any unused funds from the previous year will be lost, any funds that you purchased through TouchNet will carry over until they are used. 
  • Can I receive a refund if a job fails to print properly?
    • Charges for missing or defective print jobs are eligible for a refund. Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the print job date using the PaperCut app on myElmhurst Portal. To make a request, select the Recent Print Jobs tab and then click the Request Refund link next to the job for which you are requesting a refund. 
  • How will my free printing limit be affected if I need to print as a student employee? 
    • When using printers in campus offices, print jobs will always be billed to departments and will not be debited from student printing quotas. Copy cards will be available in offices that can be used by student employees to charge copies to departments.

If you have any questions about your free print limit, please contact the Service Desk by email at

How To Print in the Library

There are two ways to print in the library: from a library computer or from your own device. See below for instructions for both methods.

Printing from a Library Computer

  1. Log into the computer with e-number and e-number password.
  2. Send your items to printer:
    1. LIB_DOUBLE_SIDED, b&w or color, if you want double-sided printing, or
    2. LIB_SINGLE_SIDED, b&w or color, if you want single-sided printing.
  3. Get up and travel to the closest print release station – it could be in the Classroom or in “Printer’s Row.”
  4. Swipe your Jaypass or arrow down on the print release screen to log in with your e-number and e-number password at the print release station.
  5. Select “Print” on the Green print release box(es).
  6. You will be directed to a particular printer to pick up your print job

  1. The print release window will log you out automatically.
  2. Pick up your job.
  3. Return to and log off your computer.

Printing from your own device (i.e. uploading to Papercut in the Portal)

PaperCut lets you submit print jobs to any campus printer open lab from your own computer, on or off campus. 

  1. Log in to the My Elmhurst Campus Portal at
  2. Click on the PaperCut icon.
  3. Click on the Submit a Job link
  4. Select the kind of printing you would like to use
  5. Set the number of copies you would like
  6. Upload your document *
  7. Log in or swipe your Jaypass at any Web Print Release Station jobs and release your print job.

* Print jobs that you submit through PaperCut will wait for you for 24 hours.  These jobs are deleted if you do not print them at a release station within this time. PaperCut supports some of the file types listed below. 

Microsoft Excel xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx
Microsoft PowerPoint pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx
Microsoft Word doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, rtf, txt PDF pdf Picture Files bmp, dib, gif, jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff XPS xps

Notice: NO HTML, XML, etc

Scanning and Photocopying

Scanning Stations

Need to scan a book chapter, notes, your passport, sheet music or just a handout? Our scanning stations can print, email, save a file, scan to smartphone/tablet, or save to Google Drive, One Drive or DropBox.

Follow the onscreen directions for your type of print job, how you want to save, file type and number of copies.

  • Scan your job using the appropriate type of scanner.
  • After scanning, hit Next.
  • If you have chosen to print, you will be prompted for your enumber and password.  
  • Log in or swipe your Jaypass at any print release station by the printers.


Need to photocopy/enlarge/reduce a book chapter, notes, your passport, sheet music or just a handout? Our photocopiers can print and email in color or black and white. Be sure to use the photocopier Jaypass card swiper or touchpad to login.

Visitor Printing

Visitors may use the guest computer located near the print release stations. Printing is allowed from this computer. Print jobs must be released from the Circulation Desk. Printing may also be paid for at the Circulation Desk (cash only). Visitors may also use the scanners, but must send scans to their email.


  • One (1) b&w page, each side: $.10
  • One (1) color page, each side: $.50

Visitors are unable to use the photocopiers at this time.