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Alumni Authors

Books from This Year's Reunion Classes - Currently Displayed in the Library

The Four Gospels

William Stob, Class of 1973

Get up off Your Butt and Do It Now

Jermaine Davis, Class of 1993

The Great Game of Business

Jack Stack, Class of 1978

The adventures of BopBo the Monkey

Norma Johnson, Class of 1963

Culture Consolation and Continuing Bonds in Bereavement

Dennis Klass, Class of 1963

Flashbulb Danger

Jack Phillips Lowe, Class of 1993

Fine Art Publicity

Barbara Webb, Class of 1968

Red Light, Green Light

John Cionca, Class of 1968

People Raising

William Dillon, Class of 1968

A bouquet of thistles

Hal Warheim, Class of 1953

Renovate Your Life Every Season of the Year

Joey Harman, Class of 1983

Live in the moment

Donald Durrett, Class of 1958

Inclusive Love

John Spooner, Class of 1973

For man's sake

John Faustich, Class of 1958

Don't Drink the Water!

Sandy Ludwig, Class of 1963

Spirituality That Makes a Difference

Charles Kniker, Class of 1958

Measurements of the three-dimensional momentum distributions of recoil ions created in fast ion-atom collisions, with emphasis on the 19 MeV F + Ne collision system

Mary Victoria Frohne, Class of 1958

Spirituality Simplified

Jeff Maziarek, Class of 1978

Christian education in the bamboo grove: the collected essays of Chau Fang-Lan

Carol Chou Adams, Class of 1968

Healing from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Karen Duncan, Class of 1978

Loving Women/Loving Men

Bill Johnson, Class of 1968

More Than Chains and Toil

Joan Martin, Class of 1973

The Saint Patrick's Day Hero

Doug Mayfield, Class of 1973

The United States and Two Gulf Wars

Lester Brune, Class of 1948

Pie Traynor

David Proctor, Class of 1968

Mixed blessing

Doris McMillon, Class of 1973

Chronology of the Cold War

Lester Brune, Class of 1948

Casting for Ghosts

Steven Fucile, Class of 1968

The Study of Raptor Populations

Donald Johnson, Class of 1963

The Child Care Provider

Carol Speekman Klass, Class of 1963

Vietnam Insights

Robert Arnoldt, Class of 1973

The green desert: a silent retreat

Rita Winters, Class of 1973

The power of genuine leadership

Patrick Donahue, Class of 1988

The Perfect, Man Handbook

Paul Onischuk, Class of 1993

Alumni Authors represented in the A.C. Buehler Library collection

Achtemeier, Paul J. 1949
Adelman, William John 1956
Adrian, Charles R. 1944
Agricola, Ewald R. 1902
Alberswerth, Roy F. 1940
Allender, Robert 1969
Anderson, Eunice Wernecke 1945
Arnoldt, Robert Patrick 1973
Baltzer, Adolph C. G. 1881
Baltzer, Frederick (Friedrich) 1879
Bentz, Thomas 1966
Berens, Helmut Alan 1902
Bern, Charles 1974
Bishop, Zachary 2015
Blaisdell, Lowell L. 1941
Blank, Martin 1985
Blau, Peter Michael 1942
Blischke, Wallace R. 1956
Bloesch, Daniel 1973
Bloesch, Donald G. 1950
Bode, Henry  1881
Boostrom, Robert E. 1971
Bracher, James F. 1967
Braun, Theodore A. 1947
Brooke, Lee 1956
Brueggemann, Walter 1955
Brune, Lester H. 1948
Bruns, Julie 1994
Burzawa, Paula Renee 1992
Chou Fang-Lan (Carol Chou Adams) 1968
Christiansen, C.  1884
Cionca, John Richard 1968
Cladis, Andrea 2011
Cronk-Raby, Sharon 1997
Daries, Frederick 1913
Davidson, Cathy Notari 1970
Davis, Jermaine M.  1993
Davis, Martin P. 1904
Dehning, Charlotte Kosartes 1955
Deibert, Alvin N.  1960
Denbeaux, Fred J. 1936
Dillenberger, John 1940
Dillon, William P. 1968
Donahue, Patrick 1988
Dopirak, Margaret H. Essebaggers 1959
Duckworth, Spencer 1944
Durrett, Donald R. 1958
Faulstich, John 1958
Feierabend, Herbert Hans  1952
Fisher, Ross 1990
Frohne, Mary Victoria  1978
Frohne, Victor M.  1951
Fucile, Steven 1968
Gabriel, Barbra L. 1975
Geiger, Louis G. 1929-30
Gibson, F. Donald 1949
Giles, Melvin 1990
Grabo, Norman Stanley 1952
Gray, Karen Maisch 1977
Greer, Art 1975
Grabo, Norman Stanley 1952
Grippo, Charles 1972
Grom, Melissa J. 2000/td>
Guralnick, Saray 1981
Haeussler, Armin 1910
Happel, Robert A. 1938
Harman, Joey (Schaefer) 1983
Hohl, Alva 1967
Irion, Daniel 1874
Irion, Paul E. 1943
Jeffrey, Richard C. 1974
Johnson, Donald R. 1963
Johnson, Edwin R. 1951
Johnson, Norma A. 1963
Johnson, Paula Denise  2000
Johnson, William R. 1968
Jones, Kyle M. L.  2007
Kehle, Helmuth 1938
Kircher, Julius 1884
Klass, Carol Speekman 1963
Klass, Dennis 1963
Klein, Earl Edwin 1927
Klepper, Robert F. 1939
Kniker, Charles Robert 1958
Koenig, John C. 1937
Kolkmeier, Leslie Gooding 1967
Kraenzel, Carl F. 1929
Kramer, Leonard J. 1930
Krebill, Paul 1949
Krieg, Adrian H. 1962
Kromholz, Alan J. 1960
Lammert, Marilyn 1964
Lang, Daniel Robert 1928
Lawson, Raymond 1952
Leslie, Reo N. 1974
Licata, Salvatore J. 1961
Limper, Hilda 1935
Loew, Cornelius Richard 1938
Logan, Amy 1994
Long, Edward S. 1964
Lowe, Jack Phillips 1993
Lubenkov, Paul A. 1996
Ludwig, Sandra (Cone) 1963
Magrini, James 1984
Mahoney, Harry Thayer 1947
Mahoney, Marjorie Locke 1946
Martin, Joan M. 1973
Mayfield, Doug 1973
Maziarek, Jeff 1978
McKuen, Pamela (Dittmer) 1974
McMillon, Doris 1973
Mensendiek, C. William 1945
Menzel, Emil W.  1950
Menzel, Emil Wolfgang 1916
Meredith, Harry
Merzdorf, Walter 1908
Meyer, Armin F. 1910
Meyer, Paul W. 1945
Millies, Suzanne (George) 1965
Modschiedler, John 1959
Molloy, Allison 2010
Molnar, August J. 1944
Monjar, Hugh Bartlett
Mueller, Richard J. 1949
Mulholland, Kenneth Bruce 1959
Nagel, Carl 1892
Nagel, Werner O. 1931
Niebuhr, H. Richard 1912
Niebuhr, Reinhold 1910
Nielsen, Marilyn 1952
Norwood, Gus (Gustav Anthony) 1937
O'Callaghan, Gary T. 1981
Olberg, Robert 1959
Onischuk, Paul 1993
Otto, Emil 1890-1894
Panocha, Václav George  1994
Pearson, Elizabeth Snyder 1970
Peine, Doug 1972
Peters, Jim 1970
Phalen, Lane/td> 1986
Posey, Rafe 2004
Press, (Otto) Charles 1939-43
Priepke, Rudolf J. 1929
Proctor, David Y. 1968
Raber, Rudolph W. 1947
Radzienda, Tom 1991
Randall, Robert L. 1964
Randall, Rod 1975
Rassogianis, Alexander 1969
Rest, Friedrich Otto 1935
Rest, Karl Heinrich Albert 1929
Rockey, Charles 1947
Rosati, Michael Steven 2015
Roy, Sandra Fern 1964
Rueggeberg, Frederick Carl (Rev. C?)  1915
Rumpf, Eva Augustin 1961
Rumpf, Oscar J. 1931
Saleh, Layla 2004
Sarris, Marla 2004
Scherzer, Carl J. 1920
Schick, Herman J. 1897
Schmiechen, James A. 1962
Schmiechen, Samuel  1929
Schroeder, Frederick W. 1915
Seybold, Theodore C. 1910
Small, J. David 1959
Smarto, Donald 1971
Smit, Teresa Doyle 2011
Spooner, John C. 1973
Stack, Jack (John P.) 1978
Stanger, Allison 1982
Stanger, Robert C. 1918
Stob, William S. 1973
Subak, Susan Elizabeth
Tarabilda, James 1972
Tharp, D. Scott 2005
Thomopoulos, Elaine Cotsirilos 1961
Thompson, Kenneth Roy 1970
Tuckman, Marilyn Alice 1987
Twente, Theophil H. 1910
Van Spankeren, Theresa
Von Keudell, Renate 1976
Wagner, O. Walter 1928
Wakely, Mark S. 1987
Warheim, Hal 1953
Webb, Barbara 1968
Weingand, Darlene E. 1972
Weltge, Ralph (William) 1952
Wentzel, Kenneth 1945
Werth, Teresa Schreiber 1977
Westermeyer, Paul 1962
Whitehead, Raymond Leslie 1955
Winkler, Warren H. 1952
Wintermeyer, Herbert 1934
Winters, Rita 1973
Wobus, Paul A. 1912
Woodka, Roseann (Hotz) 1970
Zimmerman, Fred
Zochert (Jr.), Donald (Paul) 1961

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