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OpenAthens for Remote Access: Personalization and Customization

Personalization and Personal Accounts

Some of the library's online resources allow users to personalize their experience once authenticated through OpenAthens. These personalization features vary, but when available they often include:

  • Saving search results
  • Saving searches
  • Annotating sources
  • Recommended resources

While personalization features can be very useful, they also require users to allow for their browsing history to be saved.

Please see OpenAthens and Your Privacy for more information.

Artstor and OpenAthens

The first time you connect to Artstor through OpenAthens, you will see a request to Link your Existing Account or Create a new Artstor account.  

Artstor login screen: link existing account or create a new personal account

This is an Artstor policy for off-campus authentication.  Artstor links your unique OpenAthens numeric identifier with your personal Artstor account and saves you from having to login a second time.   On subsequent visits to Artstor through OpenAthens, you will be automatically logged in to your personal account.

Creating a personal account on Artstor allows you to save images to folders, to share folders with other Artstor users, and to download images.  

Read more about ArtStor's privacy policies.


HathiTrust and OpenAthens

HathiTrust Logo


When you login to HathiTrust through OpenAthens we share your UARK username (your email address before the ). This helps to distinguish any collections you create from those created and shared by other users.

HathiTrust collection showing username


Knovel and OpenAthens

The first time you log into Knovel through OpenAthens, a unique OpenAthens numeric identifier is passed to Knovel. This is used to create a new My Knovel account linked to your login. OpenAthens does not share your name, email or other information with Knovel, only a unique numeric identifier.

My Knovel personal accounts allow you to organize your favorite titles, frequently used search queries, and the content you need for quick recall to complete your projects. You can also create shared folders for collaboration with other Knovel users. A My Knovel account also enables easy mobile access from any device.

Off campus and don't care to create a My Knovel account? You can connect through the campus VPN, instead.

Update your My Knovel Account

On first login to Knovel through OpenAthens, you will be asked to Update your Account with your name, email, and department.

Knovel login: Update your Profile

You'll receive an emall request to verify your account update.

Verify your acount updated email message

After verifying your email, you will be asked to logout and sign in again to Knovel. You can navigate back to Knovel through this link:

If you already had a My Knovel account

Your new OpenAthens account and your previous account will be merged when you click the verfication link.

To log into your My Knovel account on campus

Connect to Knovel and look for the Login link in the upper right.

Knovel Login Link

You can then login through your previously-created My Knovel email and password OR through OpenAthens

Knovel login choices

If you choose OpenAthens, be sure to select Universiy of Arkansas Libraries as your provider.

OpenAthens - choose University of Arkansas Libraries


Knovel's Privacy Policies


Read more about Knovel privacy and data protection policies.

ProQuest Ebook Central and OpenAthens

The first time you log into ProQuest Ebook Central  through OpenAthens, a unique OpenAthens numeric identifier tied to your UARK login is passed to Ebook Central. This is used to create a new Ebook Central account linked to your UARK login.

Your Ebook Central account allows you to download entire books for a limited time (depending on publisher restrictions), make annotations, and  create a personal bookshelf. Your bookshelf in ProQuest Ebook Central keeps track of your downloads, loans and saved books, and lets you share them with others. Read more about your bookshelf.

On-campus? You can still sign in to your Ebook Central account with your UARK login.

Problems with your Bookshelf?

Reach out to to request help with you bookshelf.

ProQuest Privacy Policies