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A.C. Buehler Library Strategic Plan (2009-2011): Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2009-2011

1.    Instruction and Services

1.1.   Teach students the information literacy skills needed to become truly educated, and ready for life in a complex and competitive world.

1.1.1.     Provide a basic level of information literacy instruction to all students in the First Year Seminar and in English 106.

1.1.2.     Provide an appropriate level of information literacy instruction in all courses that require research.

1.1.3.     Collaborate with academic departments, the General Education Committee, and the Associate Dean to design and implement information literacy tags for each major.

1.1.4.     Collaborate with faculty to design and deliver a program of information literacy instruction for each graduate program.

1.1.5.     Build instructional connections with non-traditional students, off-campus programs, ELSA, and adjunct faculty.

1.1.6.     Develop and maintain strong liaisons between the Library and each academic department for the provision of course-related information literacy instruction.

1.1.7.     Collaborate with faculty to design meaningful assignments that integrate library and information technology resources into courses.

1.1.8.     Assess the learning outcomes of the information literacy instructional program.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8

1.2. Provide a variety of user-centered information services that facilitate the effective use of information resources.

1.2.1.     Maintain a user-centered, approachable, and proactive reference presence in the Library that is collaborative and instructional.

1.2.2.     Use a variety of levels of library staff to provide reference and information services during all hours the library is open.

1.2.3.     Provide ongoing training to all library staff who provide reference and information services.

1.2.4.     Support academic integrity by developing librarian expertise and providing educational programs for faculty and students.

1.2.5.     Continue to explore, develop, and evaluate Library 2.0 technologies for the provision of information services

1.2.6.     Ensure that all reference services are accessible to individuals with disabilities in compliance with ADA.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.4

1.3.   Provide a variety of library services and programs that support faculty in their teaching, scholarly and creative work, and professional activities.

1.3.1.     Participate actively in the creation and design of the Center for Scholarship and Teaching.

1.3.2.     Redesign and renovate the Faculty Technology Lab.

1.3.3.     Support faculty student collaborative research.

1.3.4.     Provide leadership, education, and training to faculty in exploring scholarly communications issues.

1.3.5.     Create a virtual “Faculty Commons” that provides and consolidates information about library services and technology support for faculty.

1.3.6.     Create a virtual collection of faculty development resources and make it accessible.

1.3.7.     Participate in the new faculty orientation program.

1.3.8.     Provide pedagogy, technology, and research assistance support to faculty.

1.3.9.     Strengthen orientation and training for adjunct faculty.

1.3.10.  Provide technology workshops for faculty at least once each semester.

1.3.11.  Market library collections and resources to faculty.

1.3.12.  Plan for faculty technology learning as part of the Center for Scholarship and Teaching.

Links to the Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 2.6, 3.3, 1.4, 1.7, 4.3, 2.4

Lead students, faculty, and staff in the use of emerging information technologies.

1.3.13.  Integrate instruction in the use of emerging information technologies into regular information literacy instruction for students.

1.3.14.  Provide a program of faculty development in the use of emerging learning technologies with an emphasis on pedagogy.

1.3.15.  Provide support for faculty and student use of Blackboard and other course management systems.

1.3.16.  Implement a library server as a platform for hosting emerging information technologies.

1.3.17.  Collaborate with the Chief Information Officer and Computer Services to provide excellent academic computing services.

1.3.18.  Provide key leadership in campus wide technology planning and management.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.7, 1.8, 3.3, 3.5

1.4. Support student intellectual and personal self-formation and early professional preparation as hallmarks of the Elmhurst Experience.

1.4.1.     Collaborate with academic departments, interdisciplinary centers, and administrative units to provide library services, programs and collections that support and enhance student learning.

1.4.2.     Provide and promote library collections to support the initiatives and programs of the Elmhurst College Strategic Plan.

1.4.3.     Collaborate with Student Affairs to provide support for co-curricular programs for students.

1.4.4.     Undertake leadership roles in campus academic initiatives.

1.4.5.     Participate in the Honors program through teaching courses, Honors Lounge, and committee work.

1.4.6.     Develop a plan for an active library role in undergraduate research.

1.4.7.     Provide information literacy instruction for the Math and Science Academy

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.8, 2.6

1.5. Explore the roles of librarians in a small college.

1.5.1.     Teach credit courses outside the library that develop and showcase the skills, knowledge, and values of librarianship.

1.5.2.     Offer Honors 320:  Chicago’s Great Libraries annually.

1.5.3.     Provide shadowing, mentoring, and practicum opportunities for students interested in and/or enrolled in library and information science education and training.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.2, 2.1, 1.3, 1.8

2. Resources

2.1.   Develop and maintain a collection of print, electronic, and multimedia resources, which supports the educational programs of Elmhurst College.

2.1.1.     Assess and analyze the use of the print, electronic, and multimedia collections.

2.1.2.     Increase multimedia, nonprint, images, streaming video resources.

2.1.3.     Develop and maintain a high quality, relevant reference collection, in both print and electronic formats.

2.1.4.     Collections to support interdisciplinary learning.

2.1.5.     Collections to support international/globalization.

2.1.6.     Develop a written collection development philosophy statement.

2.1.7.     Assess the adequacy of collections funds in relationship to the initiatives of the Elmhurst College Strategic Plan.

2.1.8.     Provide librarians with ongoing continuing education in collection management skills.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1, 1.8, 5.1

2.2.  Acquire, organize, and arrange materials in logical, usable ways.

2.2.1.     Implement the Archivist’s Toolkit 1.5 to manage the Elmhurst College Archives.

2.2.2.     Develop and implement a plan for the circulation of the multimedia collection.

2.2.3.     Create and provide access to diverse digital collections appropriate to a small college library.

2.2.4.     Implement a pilot institutional repository.

2.2.5.     Use an MS Access database to improve the management of print and electronic serials collections.

2.2.6.     Provide enhanced access of the Art Collection.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1, 2.6, 3.5

2.3.  Provide efficient on-site access to materials owned by the A.C. Buehler Library.

2.3.1.     Continue to implement the Voyager integrated library system.

2.3.2.     Evaluate alternative I-share interfaces (tomcat and VuFind).

2.3.3.     Provide training opportunities to students, faculty, and staff for the new implementation of the I-Share catalog.

2.3.4.     Select, install, implement and maintain open source software to improve access to and management of library collections, services, and operations.

2.3.5.     Participate in the activities of CARLI and I-Share.

2.3.6.     Prepare library staff for the 2009 implementation of the Resource Description Access (RDA) cataloging standard.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.7, 3.5, 4.3

2.4.  Provide a library gateway to information resources available locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

2.4.1.     Continue to assess and improve the Library’s web site as the major interface to library resources.

2.4.2.     Enhance link resolver (SFX) provided by CARLI.

2.4.3.     Continue to use LibData to develop and support course web pages and subject guides

2.4.4.     Foster and maintain consortia relationships at the local, state, regional, and national level.

2.4.5.     Provide excellent interlibrary loan services as both a borrower and a lender.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 2.1, 2.4, 4.3

3.    Management

3.1.   Develop and apply effective, transparent, and responsive management practices to provide the leadership, planning, and organization necessary to carry out the Library’s mission and action plan.

3.1.1.     Plan and develop strategies for enhancing the programs and resources of the Library.

3.1.2.     Employ a team oriented/collaborative management philosophy

3.1.3.     Solicit and secure the financial support necessary for continuation and expansion of the Library’s operations.

3.1.4.     Continue to pursue library grant opportunities for collections, technology, and program development.

3.1.5.     Provide representation to committees that are pertinent to the Library’s mission.

3.1.6.     Communicate effectively with the Elmhurst College community.

3.1.7.     Develop and implement a library marketing plan.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 2.2, 2.4

3.2.  Develop and maintain a quality staff, adequate in number, to provide the best library services to users.

3.2.1.     Meet the Association of College and Research Libraries standards for staffing or demonstrate that service requirements can be met with existing staff.

3.2.2.     Design and implement a program of staff development and training for the library staff.

3.2.3.     Participate actively in local, regional, and national library professional associations and consortia.

3.2.4.     Support librarians and other library staff in continuing their own learning about and experimentation with technology.

3.2.5.     Support librarians in pursuing continuing education, professional involvement, and scholarship and creative work.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 2.4, 3.1, 3.4

3.3.  Maintain a physical facility that fosters study, teaching, and research.

3.3.1.     Assess the redesign of the first floor of the Library.

3.3.2.     Review condition, furnishings, and arrangement of the lower level and the second floor of the Library for possible replacement or renovation.

3.3.3.     Add and/or replace comfortable seating throughout the library.

3.3.4.     Review library operation for energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and sustainability.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

3.4.  Promote College’s goals for diversity and intercultural learning in collections and library functions.

3.4.1.     Provide the Elmhurst College community with access to materials needed to create and nurture an environment that encourages diversity and intercultural learning.

3.4.2.     Develop collections to support multiple faith perspectives.

3.4.3.     Develop collections to support curriculum development in Native American studies.

3.4.4.     Recruit, hire, and retain a diverse library staff.

3.4.5.     Provide displays of library materials that relate to human diversity and intercultural learning.

3.4.6.     Ensure that all library services and facilities are accessible to all users.

3.4.7.     Collaborate with the Elmhurst Life Skills Academy to provide services and learning opportunities to its students.

3.4.8.     Math and Science Academy

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.1.7, 3.2, 2.6

3.5.  Develop and maintain assessment measures to improve the Library’s programs and services and to respond to the changing needs of the Elmhurst College community.

3.5.1.     Assess the Library Mission Statement and Action Plan annually.

3.5.2.     Participate in campus wide assessment of student learning outcomes.

3.5.3.     Standardized student learning outcomes assessment instruments, NSSE, GPI

3.5.4.     Track changes in the College’s curriculum and revise services to match these changes.

3.5.5.     Measure the effectiveness of library services by using Association of College and Research Libraries, Higher Learning Commission, and other national association standards.

3.5.6.     Collaborate with the Faculty Personnel Board to develop procedures for observation of librarianship for candidates for tenure and promotion.

3.5.7.     Develop a plan to assess student learning outcomes of the information literacy instruction program.

3.5.8.     Survey overall user satisfaction using a variety of survey strategies.

Links to Elmhurst College Strategic Plan: 1.6, 1.5, 1.7

Created and revised, November 2007.  Revised July 2008

Created July 2009

Susan Swords Steffen

Last edited October 2nd, 2009 at 12:05 pm