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How do I get Full Text?

Types of Full Text

Often you will have to click an icon to access full text.

PDF (quality varies) 

HTML (no pictures, very basic formatting)  

Linked (extra click required)

Linking to Full Text with Find It!

Databases will not always give you full text articles, but that doesn't mean that full text is not available.

Use the Find It! button to access the full text in another database, if available.


If successful, you will be prompted to click to the full text in another database.

If not successful, you will be given options to search for the item in our catalog.  If that fails, simply request the item via interlibrary loan.

Request a Resource via Interlibrary Loan

First, search the I-Share Catalog to confirm that we don't have the journal or book you need. 

Allow 7-10 days to receive the item.  Items arrive at the circulation desk, while article scans are usually emailed directly to you.