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MTH 400 Research Methods in Mathematics

Finding Articles

Footnote Chasing

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Sometime you want to track down the full-text of an article that you see in reference list of another article.  This research technique is called footnote chasing  or backwards searching. Because the library owns articles electronically and in print, you'll need to use two different tools to track down the full text.

1) To check if we have the full-text electronically, use the "Find an E-journal"  or the "Citation Tracker" tool to see in which database it might be.  

2) If you don't find it in our databases, try searching for the title of the journal in the Bluejay Search to see if we own the print version of it.

3) Finally, if you can't locate the full text in either location, you may want to place an inter-library loan request.

What am I looking for?

How to Write your First Paper. Steven G. Krantz. Notices of the AMS.

How to Write Mathmatical Papers. Bruce Berndt. UI-UC Math Department

Institution Codes from American Mathematical Society