Turn on the printer (button on top), and make sure the printer is plugged in to the electrical outlet as well as connected to the computer via USB cord.
Have student open their PowerPoint file from their USB drive or email.
If PowerPoint doesn't open automatically when the student opens their file, click on the Windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen, then select "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007" from the menu.
Ideally, students will have been told by their professor what size of poster they are printing. Common poster sizes are 36 X 48" (tri-fold) and 48 X 40 (showcase). You may need to change the size if the student has not chosen a correct size, but this change may necessitate editing as the poster may become skewed.
In PowerPoint, click the "Design" tab, then click "Page Setup".
Then, check that the Width and Height are correct; change if necessary. Click "OK".
If you had to change the size, make sure the document still fits within the margins; editing may be required.
Click the MS Office symbol in the upper left corner of the PowerPoint window, then click "Print".
From the drop-down list, select the printer: HP Designjet T1100ps - Plotter (USB), then click "Properties".
Choose the desired size to print- this must match the document size as shown in Page Setup (step 3). You may have to select "More..." for further options. Click "Ok".
A "Feature tip" may pop up- this means that the margins of the document may lie outside the scope of the printer; make sure there is a bit of space between the edge of the document and any content to avoid 'chopping'.
Click "Ok".