Compiled from 2016-17 Association of College and Research Libraries data and our datapoints, here are some leading statistics for the A.C. Buehler Library. Most figures are presented in comparison to the average of ACRL's 23 similar peer institutions. Example- if the library has a physical books collection of 150%, this means that we hold 50% more books than an average ACRL peer institution.
Leading indicators
We achieve these results despite a smaller staff (80% of the norm) and at half the average operations costs (52%).
Our physical book collection circulation mirrors the trends in our peer population; overall, average peer median circulation dropped 6% between 2016/17.
Here is a longitudinal snapshot of library instruction scheduled sessions at the library. These sessions are dependent in part on enrollment at the college; typically, more freshmen receive library instruction (via English 106 and the FYS curriculum) than other students.The numbers below roughly coincide with freshmen enrollment.
Per class attendance has stayed flat, but tracks typical class size at 18 students per session. This could reflect instructor-mandated attendance at the sessions, and/or student valuation of the utility of formal library instruction.
Our e-book titles remain popular, especially in comparison with our peers. Average circulation among our peers has dropped considerably. We believe our circulation reflects the primacy of e-resources in our library instruction.
Student productivity can be measured in part by computer workstation occupancy. NOTE- the chart below does not indicate the number of workstations used; rather, these are starting user sign-ins. These users might use the computer for range of time, 5 minutes or 5 hours. The number of logins should diminish over time as available workstations are occupied (user saturation). First, the main floor:
And the main classroom (Fishbowl)
Library website traffic is in step with the academic year. Over time, main school year peaks are lower, but data reflects that we are seeing more summer traffic. The trend for library home page visits is slightly down, while specific course page and help page visits are up. This could reflect direct linking to relevant library pages by the college community and within the LMS (Blackboard).