Provides biographical information on important figures in today's musical arena, covering artists working in all genres of modern music, including rock, jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel and reggae.
Offers the first comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression. This database includes over 42,600 essays and images from 162 sources, over 67,000 pages and liner notes.
Browse or search this comprehensive database of streaming audio, video, reference, and scores on the web. More than 515,000 albums, over 6 million audio tracks, over 24,000 books, documents and music scores, and over 1700 hours of video are included.
Contains the full-text of hundreds of print reference titles and series, allowing you access to key reference sources without having to be in the library. Includes a variety of topics, and all titles in the Scribner's and Twayne's author series. Most Gale eBook titles can also be accessed through I-Share.