This site is intended to be a non-partisan resource for information helpful to the voting public. It is maintained by librarians at Elmhurst University. Any links to candidate or political party websites are for informational purposes only and in no manner constitute any endorsements.
In order to register to vote, you must meet these qualifications:
You must register at least 28 days prior to an election in order to vote in that election. You can register online, by mail, or in person. Following the close of registration, Illinois allows for "Grace Period" Registration and Voting beginning the 27 day prior until the day before an election. Online registration is available through the 15th day prior to Election Day.
To register electronically you must provide:
To register in person you must provide:
You can register in person at local City, Village, or Township Halls in DuPage County or at the Election Division's office in addition to some local Libraries. Elmhurst University hosts several voter registration events on campus.
Registering to vote is easy - see the box above to make sure you have proper identification to get registered
If you decide to transfer your voter registration OR register to vote in Illinois, please come to a voter registration event listed above and bring two forms of identification, one of which must include your Illinois address.
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630-617-3160 | Reference: 630-617-3173
190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126