Federal Elected Officials
How can I find my representative?
How can I find my senator?
How can I contact the President and the Cabinet?
State and Local Elected Officials
DuPage County Look Up - Enter your address and find out who your elected officials are.
Cook County Look Up - Enter your address and find out who your elected officials are.
Other counties - look for County Clerk's Office or Election Commission in your county.
Other states - search for your state elected reps and governor.
5 Calls is available for free online, on iOS, and Android devices.
Countable is available for free online, on iOS, and Android devices.
How to Call your Your Congressman: An Animated Guide for the Socially Anxious
Googling "scripts for calling representatives (or congress or legislators or senators)" along with your issue will bring back results with a script on just about any topic.
We the People: White House Petition - Sign or start a petition
Register to Vote - There are different rules in different states. Get started here.
GovTrack allows you to track legislation being debated in the United States Congress.
Senate.gov - View voting schedules, learn about bills resolutions and treaties, even watch floor proceedings LIVE!
Clerk.house.gov - View voting schedules, learn about bills resolutions and treaties, even watch floor proceedings LIVE!
Congress.gov - See the roll call votes of your elected official on various bills and resolutions.
Vote Smart - Providing free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans.
FactCheck.org - The Annenberg Public Policy Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.
League of Women Voters - The League is dedicated to ensuring that all eligible voters – particularly those from traditionally underrepresented or underserved communities, including first-time voters, non-college youth, new citizens, minorities, the elderly and low-income Americans – have the opportunity and the information to exercise their right to vote.