The community expectations for academic integrity prohibit the following dishonest academic behaviors:
1. Cheating: Intentionally obtaining or attempting to use unauthorized materials or information (notes, texts or study aids) or unauthorized help from another person (looking at a test paper, asking a question during an exam) in any work submitted for evaluation toward academic credit including examinations, quizzes, laboratory exercises or other assignments.
2. Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification, invention or copying of data, practicum experience, research or laboratory findings, or bibliographic references or citations in any academic course work.
3. Collusion: The facilitation of academic dishonesty by intentionally or knowingly providing or attempting to provide any form of unauthorized help to students in violation of this code.
4. Plagiarism: Representing someone else’s work from any source, including the internet, as your own or providing materials for such a representation. To avoid plagiarism, students must acknowledge the source whenever:
a. Quoting another person’s actual words
b. Using another person’s idea, opinion or theory
c. Using others’ facts, statistics or other illustrative material—unless the information is common knowledge It is the responsibility of individual faculty members and/or academic departments to determine their specific expectations of academic integrity in their classrooms. It is the responsibility of students to consult their faculty members for clarification on any of the above standards. The institutional community standards serve as definitional guidelines; however, individual faculty members and/or academic departments may provide their own definitions of dishonest behavior in recognition of the full range of teaching.
Reference Source:
Elmhurst University. (2021). Elmhurst University Handbook, 2021-2022.