A formal report of a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity triggers the academic misconduct process. This process is designed to supplement a decision made by a faculty member and encourages the student to foster their academic integrity through connections to academic campus resources or time away from the institution, if necessary.
Notice and Scheduling Upon receipt of the formal report, the Assistant Dean of Students will send notice to the student via Maxient, the University’s conduct software, that a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity has been documented within the student’s academic misconduct record. Depending on the nature and severity of the violation and the student’s prior history of academic integrity violations (if applicable), this notice will serve as one of the following:
1. A written warning, with no further action taken but a list of recommended campus resources will be provided to the student to utilize to avoid future violations of the Code of Academic Integrity.
2. A request to schedule an academic misconduct meeting with the Assistant Dean of Students and the Associate Dean of the Faculty to discuss the incident further and determine if the student should be placed on University probation, suspended, or expelled.
Additionally, depending on the nature and severity of the violation and the student’s prior history of academic integrity violations (if applicable), the student may not be eligible to withdraw from the course in which the violation occurred. Upon receipt of a notice letter in which a meeting is requested, the student is expected to schedule or confirm the given date and times of their assigned academic misconduct meeting within five (5) business days after receiving the notice letter. Should the student fail to schedule the meeting within five (5) business days after receiving the notice letter or fail to attend their academic misconduct meeting without prior notice, the student will receive a second and final notice letter and have an additional five (5) business days from the receipt of that letter to schedule and appear at an academic misconduct meeting. Should the student still fail to do so, the Assistant Dean of Students and Associate Dean of the Faculty may make a decision regarding outcomes of the academic misconduct process without the student’s participation. Failure to schedule or attend an academic misconduct meeting after two notices results in forfeiting the opportunity to appeal the outcome of the meeting.
An academic misconduct meeting generally proceeds in the following format:
• Introduction of all parties present
• Review of the notice letter, including the nature of the policy violations and definitions of the appropriate polices
• Personal account of the incident on behalf of the student • Review of the formal report submitted by the faculty member
• Opportunity for the student to discuss the formal report
• Invitation to discuss impact caused by the incident and offer recommendations for ways to improve academic success (usually through academic integrity outcomes)
• Opportunity for the student to share any final remarks
• Information about the appeal process
Deliberation, Decision, and Outcomes
The Assistant Dean of Students and Associate Dean of the Faculty will use all the information shared in the meeting, the nature and severity of the violation, and the student’s prior history of academic integrity violations (if applicable) to determine appropriate academic misconduct outcomes. In some academic misconduct meetings, the Assistant and Associate Deans are able to determine appropriate academic misconduct outcomes with the student during the meeting. In others, they make take up to three (3) business days to consider all information before notifying the student of the outcome(s). 11 Within three (3) business days after the meeting, the Assistant Dean of Students will notify the student of the academic misconduct outcome(s) in writing at their Elmhurst University email address. The letter will contain a summary of all information related to the Code of Academic Integrity violation case, a description of the assigned academic misconduct outcome(s) and appropriate deadlines, a rationale for the given outcome(s), and a summary of the appeal process.
Academic misconduct outcomes can include the following:
• Written warning
• Required attendance at educational workshops, tutoring, or academic coaching
• Meeting with a University administrator
• University probation • University suspension
• University expulsion/dismissal
Failure to complete academic misconduct outcomes can result in a subsequent referral to the student conduct process for contempt of the conduct process or its authorities.
If a student is suspended or dismissed, they will be withdrawn from the University effective on the date included in their outcome letter. Suspended or dismissed students receive no academic credit for their currently enrolled term and are fully responsible for all appropriate financial obligations.
Appeal Process
Within three (3) business days of receiving an academic misconduct outcome, the student must submit a letter in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Failure to submit an appeal within this period waives the right to an appeal and makes the decision final. The appeal letter must address the reason for appeal, a personal statement explaining why the student is challenging the decision, and any relevant documentation that substantiates their request for an appeal. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review a properly completed appeal and determine whether there is sufficient information to modify the academic misconduct outcome. The Vice President may or may not request to meet with the student or other relevant individuals before making a final decision. The Vice President will either affirm the original outcome(s) or modify or remove the original outcome(s). The student will be notified in writing at their Elmhurst University email address within three (3) business days of submitting their appeal of the appeal decision. The appeal decision made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs is final within the University and is not subject to further review.
Reference Source:
Elmhurst University. (2021). Elmhurst University Handbook, 2021-2022.