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Learn how to use eBooks from EBSCO, EBL, and other vendors.

Did You Know?

Many eBooks have restrictions on how many pages you may print.  

There may also be restrictions on how many pages you may email yourself.

If you print pages from an eBook, make sure to choose double sided printing.

Diagram of Useful Features

Use the Table of Contents to navigate the eBook.  You can also search the eBook, or simply use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen.
If you want to save the eBook for later, you may downloadprintemail it to yourself, or save the permalink so you can get back to it.
Use the cite feature to save a citation.  EBSCO gives you a choice of citation formats to choose from.
If you want to zoom in or view the eBook in full screen, use the viewing options at the bottom left of the screen.