Not all eBooks are available to download or use offline.
This is due to licensing restrictions.
What is eRead Illinois?
eRead Illinois is a program to promote reading throughout Illinois. Elmhurst University Library can now provide several thousand ebooks - many of which are fiction - through participation in this program.
What kind of stuff in in the eRead Illinois collection?
Fiction, non-fiction, Young Adult and Children's Literature, even audiobooks. You can find cook books, gardening and crafts books, thrillers, detective stories, science fiction - the list is endless.
What do I need to download an eboook?
1) device or computer
2) appropriate software (see more below)
3) your EU library number (number under the barcode on your Jaypass)
Where can I search for an eRead Illinois ebook?
You can look in Bluejay Search or on Baker & Taylor's Boundless app once you have downloaded to your device.
What is the check out time?
You get access to the ebook for 21 days. After that, it is just goes away or you can return so others can enjoy it sooner.
How many books can I checkout at once?
Each user account is allowed 5 items.
What devices can I use?
Any mobile device can be used with the Boundless app from the App Stores. You can also use your desktop or laptop.
Why isn't my book available right now?
These ebooks are shared resources. Sometimes you will have to place a hold on you book - you will be notified via email when you your book is available. For every 2-3 holds that are placed on an item, eRead Illinois will purchase an additional copy.
Where can I find more help?
You can always contact the Elmhurst University Reference Desk at (630) 617-3173, in person or IM us through the library homepage.
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630-617-3160 | Reference: 630-617-3173
190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126