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REL 306 The Story of Jesus

Library Catalogs

Tips for Searching

Circulating books on Biblical topics

These are located on the lower level of the library, and have call numbers of 220-229. Use Bluejay Search to find books about your topic. 

To find Scripture criticism or commentary try Subject searches like these: 

  • Bible Genesis
  • Bible Philippians commentaries
  • Bible Corinthians 1st criticism interpretation
  • Bible dictionaries
  • Bible Apocrypha

To find information on people and ideas, try Subject searches such as these:  

  • Paul, the apostle, saint
  • Law and gospel
  • Grace(theology)

Biblical Commentaries

The library has many volumes of several Biblical commentary series. To see all volumes of a particular series, go to Bluejay Search and search for any of the following as a Title:

  • Word Biblical Commentary
  • Bible English. Anchor Bible
  • Hermeneia
  • Interpretation

Here are several reference sources that may be helpful in studying Scripture:

  • New Interpreter's Bible (12 vols.) R 220.7 N532 1994 (includes a volume on the Apocryphal books)
  • Oxford Bible Commentary R 220.7 O98
  • New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (5 vols.) R 221.3 N532
  • New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (4 vols.) R 225.3 N532
  • Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (1974-present) R 221.3 B751t

Expanding Your Search

If you do not find what you need at Elmhurst, click All I-Share Libraries to expand your search to 90+ academic/research libraries in Illinois. Items that are not available at Elmhurst but appear in the catalog may be requested directly in I-Share. Please ask a librarian if you need assistance.

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