Circulating books on Biblical topics
These are located on the lower level of the library, and have call numbers of 220-229. Use Bluejay Search to find books about your topic.
To find Scripture criticism or commentary try Subject searches like these:
To find information on people and ideas, try Subject searches such as these:
Biblical Commentaries
The library has many volumes of several Biblical commentary series. To see all volumes of a particular series, go to Bluejay Search and search for any of the following as a Title:
Here are several reference sources that may be helpful in studying Scripture:
Expanding Your Search
If you do not find what you need at Elmhurst, click All I-Share Libraries to expand your search to 90+ academic/research libraries in Illinois. Items that are not available at Elmhurst but appear in the catalog may be requested directly in I-Share. Please ask a librarian if you need assistance.