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REL 306 The Story of Jesus


ATLA Search Tips

Search Tips

  • To effectively search for Scripture citations in ATLA, choose "Scriptures" in the toolbar across the top of the screen. Find the book you wish to search, and click Expand. You are then taken to a screen of chapters for that book. You can either click on a particular chapter, or to find specific verses, click Expand on the appropriate chapter. If you choose Expand again, then select the first verse of your passage and click on it.
  • When searching for books of the Apocrypha, do not use the "Scriptures" button. Instead, choose "Indexes," then use the following format: Bible (OT) Apocrypha. This will take you to a list of subjects, including separate listings for each Apocryphal book. Select one item, then click Add. The appropriate search information will be filled into the search box at the top of the screen; then click Search.


How to Find the Full Text of an Article or Other Resource 

  • The article may have a statement that says PDF Full Text or Linked Full Text. Click on the link and the full text of the article will appear.
  • If the above text does not appear, the article may be available from another source. Click the "Find it EU" button to see if it is available online, in print in the library, or to request it through interlibrary loan.
    • What if those choices aren't available?  
      • Some results will not have either a full text link or the Find it! button. For these items, click on the title to see the complete citation, then check the Publication Type.
      • If the Publication Type is Book, use the information from the Title field as a Title search in Bluejay Search (see link in next section below).
      • If the Publication Type is Essay, note the title and publication information from the Source field, then search Bluejay Search by Title to locate the book in which the essay appears.

Citation Linker