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System Requirements

1. Browser Choice

Google Chrome™,

  • most recent stable version and two preceding versions.

Mozilla® Firefox®,

  • most recent stable version and two preceding versions.

Apple® Safari® for MacOS and iOS,

  • two most recent major versions.

Microsoft® Edge®1

  • most recent stable version and two preceding versions


2.  Cookies & Java

Regardless of the browser being used, Blackboard Learn requires the use of session cookies and JavaScript enabled in the user's browser to provide the right experience for teaching and learning.

Blackboard Learn also provides a feature to allow users to acknowledge a cookie disclosure statement when logging in to Learn, as is required in some places. To learn more about this tool, see the Security Management - Data Use and Privacy Disclosure topic.

3.  Third Party Plug-ins

Blackboard Learn doesn’t require additional browser plug-ins, but uploaded and shared content may have plug-in requirements. Users may be prompted to install the additional software when accessing this content or, depending on individual browser security settings, users may need to acknowledge a browser message allowing the plug-in to run on their system.

4. Assistive Technology & Accessibility 

For the best Blackboard Learn experience with your screen reader, use ChromeTM and Jaws on a Windows® system. On a Mac® use Safari® and VoiceOver.

Anthology strives to make all its products as accessible as possible. To learn more about assistive technologies, visit  Accessibility at Blackboard or Accessibility for Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience.

5. No longer supported by Blackboard:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems not running a supported browser
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox versions 50 and lower on desktop; all Firefox versions on mobile devices
  • Chrome versions 56 and lower (version 34 and lower on mobile devices)
  • Safari versions 10 and lower
  • JRE 6 for Blackboard Learn Original user interfaces



Blackboard Assistance

For assistance with Blackboard, please consult Blackboard Help Pages for Students or Blackboard Help Pages for Instructors. Please select whether you need assistance with the Blackboard App, Blackboard Learn (classic courses), or Blackboard Ultra (Ultra courses).

Additionally available are short videos on Blackboard Playlist for Students on YouTube or Blackboard Playlist for Instructors on YouTube.  Instructors may also view helpful videos on a variety of Blackboard topics in the YouTube Playlist provided by the Center for Scholarship and Teaching. Closed Captioning is available in the lower right corner.

Finally, you may request assistance on Blackboard matters by filing a Service Ticket with Elmhurst University. Your service request will be routed to the appropriate office for further assistance.