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Antidotes to Plagiarism: Bibliography

Based on a LibGuide by Ludy Goodson and Shannon Johnson, Purdue University - Fort Wayne. Many thanks!

Articles for Discussion


Elmhurst College's Code of Academic Integrity may be found on pp.12-18 of the 2017-2018 Elmhurst College Student Handbook:

Resources on the Incidence and Causes of Plagiarism

There are more references that we have used in examining the incidence of plagiarism, but we we think the ones listed below reveal the character and context of plagiarism.

Research Models

Research Models

These are a few of the possibilities for research writing models. Others may be more appropriate for specific disciplines.

Resources on Incidence, Research Models, Effective Assignments, and Help for Students

This is the original set of resources created by Ludy Goodson and Shannon Johnson at Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Resources on Pedagogical Prevention

Here are several resources about course and assignment design strategies that deter plagiarism.

Designing Effective Assignments

The following resources offer guidance for how to design assignments that will diminish the disposition for students to intentionally plagiarize.

Resources for Students

Here we have listed web resources useful for guiding students and the videos that we thought could be both motivational and informative for students.

Web Resources

Effective Writing Center, University of Maryland series: