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CJ Criminal Justice Resources

Respected News Outlets - Databases

News on the Internet

Most of the articles you will find by searching on Internet news sites. it's usually more efficient to search on a news source's website rather than trying to wade through a Google News results list. All major (and many local) news sources have websites. Try some of these as a starting point:

Media Bias

The above chart is from adfontes media, where you can see their methodology that determined how sources are ranked. Here's a link to the latest version of the chart:

Bias in Magazines

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a magazine's focus is conservative, liberal or radical. One way to determine this is by using Magazines for Libraries by William and Linda Sternberg Katz (R 050.25 M189, located near the Reference Desk). The magazines listed below are a sample of various points-of-view to get you started. 

Conservative Liberal Radical/Communalistic

* Current issues of these magazines are also available for browsing at the library. Journals and magazines are arranged alphabetically by title.

Please keep in mind that online versions of magazines may not contain all of the articles in a particular issue, or allow you full access to the whole article.



Only use the sources here in consultation with your professor. Depending on the assignment, News Sources may not be appropriate resources.